The Nordics (also called the Blondes) are humanoid extra terrestrials found throughout the galaxy. The Nordics hail from various solar systems and star group notably, the Pleiades, Aldebaran, Andromeda, and Sirius. Each of these star systems host a variety of planets with humanoid races residing on them. The Nordics, like the Arcturians, are on a mission of peace to assist humanity here on Earth with spiritual development.
What do Nordic Aliens look like?
The Nordic’s have been donned their geographical title because they resemble people from that region here on Earth. Essentially, the Nordics reflect the characteristics of humanity on Earth with some variation. Accounts of these Nordic aliens describe them as remarkable beings with typically pale skin and light features, much like those of the Norwegians, Swedes, and other Northern European races. Their eyes have been described as taking on various colors such as pink, red, violet, purple, green and especially blue. Additionally, various Nordics have eyes shaped like those of the Greys or the Arcturians.
Nordic Aliens are typically slightly above average height for humans ranging from 5 to 6 ½ feet tall, although, accounts of Nordics over 7 feet in stature have been documented. The hair of the Nordics is almost always described as blonde, giving them their nickname. Typically, the Nordic that have been seen are in tremendous physical shape and of attractive appearance to our tastes on Earth. Nordic bloodlines are said to exist in terrestrial humans as well.
Do Nordic Aliens Abduct?
About 25% of all abduction experiences are on account of the Nordic Aliens (the other 75% belong to those of the Greys). These abduction stories are not the terrifying experience as those of the Greys. Those who have given accounts of their abduction by these Blonde aliens typically describe their experience as an extremely positive and powerful episode. These situations usually take on the purpose of some kind of revelation or learning experience. The aliens these people encounter are described as telepathic, benevolent, and life changing.
Angelic Connection
Some have interpreted the Nordic race in a different manner describing them as Angels (particularly those of Western Religions). Other similar theories state that the Nordics are of the same race as those that founded Atlantis and are from the star Aldebaran.