"Arcturus is the highest civilization in our galaxy," said Edagr Cayce, a
prophet who lived between the years of 1877-1945.
Further details of Cayce's life and work are explored in the classic book, There Is a River (1942), by Thomas Sugrue, available in hardback, paperback, or audio book versions.
The idea of an alien life form that has been visiting Earth from Arcturus is frequently associated with the writings of Edgar Cayce. According to Cayce, the Arcturians are a "fifth dimensional" lifeform. They are highly advanced both technically and spiritually.Since his early writing of this Race of Aliens, Edgar Cayce has been referred to the father of the Arcturians. Today, many people have discovered the different way to communicate with the Arcturian Aliens; however, only
one has been deeded the most sure way.
Because Arcturian Aliens exist in different dimensions (not just the fifth dimension) it is now known that to communicate with the higher planes of existence, one must enter into a dream state. In this dream state many believe that Edgar Cayce entered into direct communication with the Arcturian Aliens.
Today many people have claimed to have communicated with the Arcturians. For example, Norma J. Milanovich is the author of the famous book We the Arcturians, which explains the life style and way of life of these benevolent race of Arcturian Aliens.
The Arcturian legacy and mythology continues and although there are many reasons to believe that these aliens are more than just a myth, we continue to explore the possibilities for compelling evidence. Edagr Cayce gave us the doorway to enter into the universe of a vast existence.
Read more about these Arcturians, and begin to understand the conscious development of the new human mind and the teaching that Edgar Cayce, Norma Milanovich and many have discovered.

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